Although our life-saving flights solve the immediate needs facing pet rescue, we are committed to promoting long-term solutions that manage the increasing number of pets in need of forever homes in the first place. We are committed to championing and sharing resources that foster responsible guardianship, affordable care, compassionate advocacy, and help us get closer to a world where every pet has a safe and loving forever home.
get on board
with spay & neuter
Spay/Neuter directly impacts the number of animals that land in and lose their lives in shelters. These routine medical procedures may also prevent medical and behavioral problems so you and your can enjoy a longer, healthier and happier life together.
important articles and information
The ASPCA weighs in on the importance of Spay/Neuter and where you can find low-cost Spay/Neuter programs.
There's a Free Spay & Neuter Voucher available
to qualified LA City residents! It covers the full
cost of a companion animal’s sterilization at participating veterinary hospitals, spay/neuter clinics and mobile spay/neuter clinics.
The Humane Society has more great tips on
laws and legislation
Influence laws and policies by lobbying local representatives, building an advocacy network, signing petitions, or reaching out to the media. Know what laws are in place to help pets in need.
Stay up to date and stay involved!
SB 258 would empower shelters to take in individuals experiencing homelessness who also have pets.
LA is considering a pet-friendly requirement for affordable housing.
A majority of states have implemented mandatory spay and neuter laws to address the overpopulation of homeless animals.
We're proud to join Petco Love Lost to help reunite lost pets with their families.
If a pet you know or love is
missing, search for them today.